
UConn (Storrs)

Anti-Aging Therapeutics (Spring 2023-present) (MCB 3841W)

Cell Biology & Genetics of Aging (Fall 2021-present) (MCB 3895)

MCB Invited Seminar (Fall and Spring 2019-present) (MCB 5984)

Cell Biology (Summer 2014-present) (MCB 2210) with Dave Daggett

Independent Studies (Fall & Spring; individualized projects with instructor’s consent) (MCB 3899, 4896, 4897W, 4996, 4997W, 5895, 5896)

Honors Cell Biology (Fall 2014-15) (MCB 2215) with Adam Zweifach

Cell Biology of Microbial Infection (Spring 2013-15) (MCB 5896-057)

Cell Biology (Fall 2011-13) (MCB 2210) with Adam Zweifach


UConn Health (Farmington)

Medical Microbiology

Scientific Foundations of Clinical Geriatrics and Gerontology